Trinity University honors Jim Potter with Spirit of Trinity Award
NIRSA Emeritus Member recognized for his contributions to his alma mater and profession
Professional Members Jacob Tingle, CRSS, Trinity University, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities & Recreational Sports; Jim Potter; Suzy Gray, CRSS, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Executive Director Campus Recreation; Steve Kintigh, CRSS, Texas Christian University, Director Campus Recreation
For his commitment and enthusiasm in providing recreational sports to all students, NIRSA Emeritus Member Jim Potter, CRSS, received the Trinity University Alumni Association's Spirit of Trinity Award at a gala dinner and ceremony on February 3 in San Antonio, Texas.
The Spirit of Trinity Award recognizes exceptional service to the community or University and significant contributions to volunteer or professional organizations.
As Trinity’s first full-time director of intramurals, Potter was the driving force behind one of the most popular extracurricular programs on campus. From flag football to tennis to hiking and camping, there are myriad opportunities for students to keep fit and active.
Potter was Trinity’s director of intramurals for 33 years, retiring in 2000. He received his bachelor’s degree from Trinity in physical education and then earned a master’s degree the same year he became director of intramurals.
Potter received NIRSA's National Service Award in 1992 and the Region IV Award of Merit in 1991. The 1993 NIRSA Flag & Touch Football Rules Book & Officials' Manual was dedicated to him. He has been a Member for 37 years.
Potter, a native of Folsom, Pennsylvania, was a football official for six years with the Southwest Conference and ten years with the Lone Star Conference. In 2003 he was inducted into the Trinity University Athletic Hall of Fame. He serves as the official timer for the Alamo Bowl each December in San Antonio.