The 2006-2007 NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors
Congratulations and welcome
Loretta Capra, Colorado State University, was selected as the Chair of the Foundation Board for 2006-2007, with Danner “Beau” Rugg of The Ohio State University as the Vice Chair. Returning members include Jim Nasiopulos, Marquette University and Dave Koch, University of California, San Diego. New Board members appointed to three year terms were William “Bill” Crockett, University of Maryland, Baltimore and Mark Fletcher, University of Virginia. Suzette Smith, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, was appointed to an additional one-year term as the Corporate Member. They will join Moe McGonagle, NIRSA President and Kent Blumenthal, NIRSA Executive Director.
2006-2007 NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors
Loretta A. Capra, CRSS
Colorado State University
Danner M. "Beau" Rugg, CRSS
The Ohio State University
Jim Nasiopulos, CRSS
Marquette University
Dave Koch, CRSS
University of California, San Diego
William "Bill" P. Crockett
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Mark Fletcher, CRSS University of Virginia
Corporate Member
Suzette Smith, CRSS
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Member at Large
Maureen McGonagle, CRSS
DePaul University
Member & Secretary-Treasurer
Dr. Kent J. Blumenthal
NIRSA National Center
NNC Staff Liaison
Pamela Hutcheson
NIRSA Foundation Coord./Admin. Assist.