Conference & Expo
Commit to professional excellence: Attend the 2007 NIRSA Annual Conference & Recreational Sports Exposition in Minneapolis
Plus, time is running out to submit a presentation proposal at the Conference!
Photo courtesy Greater Minneapolis Convention & Visitors Association
The NIRSA 2007 Annual Conference & Recreational Sports Exposition, April 18-21, will bring together a network of professional, student, and associate members from the recreational sports field for educational and networking opportunities. Based on earlier member feedback, the 2007 Conference will be the first to follow a new four-day format. Registration information and complete conference details will be available online and in the NIRSA Know in the fall.
If you’ve thought about presenting an educational session, preconference workshop, or poster at the NIRSA 2007 Annual Conference, but haven’t gotten around to filling out the online form yet, don’t wait much longer! The deadline to submit a presentation or preconference workshop proposal is July 24. The deadline to submit a poster proposal is November 10.