Region I holds inaugural HBCU Summit
Attendees (l-r): Richard Dorceys, Howard University; Sev-Ira’ Brown, Syracuse University; Dr. Samuel Amoako-Atta, Howard University; Matthew Fortune, Delaware State University; Theresa Gibson, Morgan State University; Shawn Lamb, Bowie State University; Jocelyn Hill, American University; Dr. Ned Britt, Towson University; Aubre Jones, George Washington University; Pam Wetherbee-Metcalf, Loyola College in Maryland; Bill Crockett, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Region I Vice President Sev-Ira’ Brown of Syracuse University, Bill Crockett of the University of Maryland, Baltimore and Jocelyn Hill of American University hosted a Summit for Region I Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) on August 7.
The goal of the Summit, held at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, was to invite recreational sports professionals from HBCUs to network with other recreational sports professionals in the region. It also gave nonmember attendees a chance to meet and ask questions of NIRSA leaders and members.
“This Summit was a wonderful way for us in Region I to sit down face to face with other recreational educators and talk about our shared passion, which is students,” said Region I VP Brown. “The more students we can reach, the more effective we can be, and the more we can grow as an organization.”
Representatives from four HBCUs attended, with many others expressing great interest and a desire to connect with NIRSA in the future. Several professionals committed to attend the Region I Conference, October 19-21 in Baltimore, Maryland, or the Emerging Recreational Sports Leaders Conference, February 9-10, 2007 in New Orleans.
The collaboration and sharing of information about how to be effective recreational educators was very well received. This successful Summit can serve as a model for other regions interested in holding a similar event. Loyola College in Maryland offered to host the 2007 Summit.