Meet the Professional Members standing for office in 2007
Learn about the candidates standing for President-elect and three Regional VP positions in NIRSA's 2007 elections
The candidates below are standing for one of four open positions on the 2007-2008 NIRSA Board of Directors. Members can learn more about the candidates’ backgrounds and read their position statements online. Voting will take place at the 2007 Annual Conference, April 18-21 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Online proxy voting will also be available prior to the Conference; more information on this process will be coming in March.
Candidates for Office
Candidates for President-elect
Bryan Harris
The Ohio State University
Vicki Highstreet, CRSS
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Candidates for Region I Vice President
Kurt Klier, CRSS
University of Maryland
Tim Moore
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Candidates for Region III Vice President
Laurie Braden, CRSS
Central Michigan University
Stacey Hall, CRSS
Indiana University Bloomington
Candidates for Region V Vice President
Mark Hecht
Augustana College (South Dakota)
Mick McComber, CRSS
University of Minnesota Duluth
Click here for candidates' position statements and biographies.