Acceptance of 2007 Honor Award
Tom Dison
Tom Dison, recipient of the 2007 Honor Award
When notified of my receipt of this prestigious award, the first words that came to mind were honored and humbled. For there is no more honoring experience than being recognized in this way by one’s peers. At the same time, I feel incredibly humbled to be included in the company of previous recipients of this award and to be introduced by my good friend and long-time colleague Sam Hirt.
As Sam indicated, those who know me best are aware of my discomfort with individual awards, as I have always viewed life as a team sport. Being the son of a basketball coach, I learned the concept of teamwork at a very early age. So, if I have made any contributions through the years, it has only been while standing on the shoulders of many, many people. Individuals like:
- my parents, who instilled many of the fundamental values that shaped my life;
- educators Celeste Wright, who introduced an 18-year-old to the works of George Bernard Shaw, and JR Needy, who taught me the importance of a personal philosophy;
- professional mentors and lifelong friends Gary Colberg, Betty Thompson, Carolyn Hewatt, and Jim Vick;
- the scores of dedicated and committed staff I have had the privilege of working alongside;
- the many, many friends I have made in this field and in this Association--most especially JT, E, Vander and Scotty;
- and, of course, my family…my son Jonathan, and the person who lights up every day of my life, my best friend and biggest supporter, my wife Ana Maria.
One question I have been asked many times through the years is: “what’s an English major from California doing in the middle of Texas working in a rec sports program and doing all this other stuff?” My short answer is: “you never know where life is going to take you.”
The other question I’m asked a lot is: “why would anyone stay at one place for 33 years?” In my case, two primary reasons stand out. The first is that I am incredibly fortunate to have landed at an institution where one can have dreams, and with patience and perseverance, imagination and hard work, know that those dreams can become reality. The University of Texas has afforded me many unique and wonderful opportunities through the years. And, for that, I will be forever grateful.
A second reason is because of the thousands of students I have had the opportunity to meet, work alongside, and learn from over the years. Students who remind me every day that we can accomplish way more than we may initially believe possible by assembling a great team and working together. But that trust and respect, humility and personal sacrifice are important prerequisites for creating that kind of environment.
As I stand here at the conclusion of my 35th consecutive NIRSA conference, I am so proud to be part of such an important and influential field as recreational sports and thankful for the good fortune to be associated with such a dynamic and innovative organization as NIRSA. What we do in rec sports is a noble enterprisefor there are few things as important as working with tomorrow’s leaders during one of the most impressionable periods of their lives. And the continuing evolution of NIRSA into every aspect of university life has made what we do even more effective.
We in recreational sports are a major part of the process of building community and transforming lives. But, we are also in the business of making memories. And you have created one for me tonight that I will carry for the rest of my life.
Thanks to all of you for making such a major contribution to this profession and this Association, for your many years of friendship and support, and for the incredible honor that you have bestowed upon me this evening.
Thank you.