Election results
Welcome your new leaders, elected at the 2007 Annual Business Meeting in Minneapolis
Welcome these five members to their newly elected positions on the NIRSA Board of Directors!
Vicki Highstreet
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Region I Vice President
Kurt Klier
University of Maryland
Region III Vice President
Stacey Hall
Indiana University Bloomington
Region V Vice President
Mick McComber
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Since Vicki Highstreet assumed the office of NIRSA President-elect in Minneapolis in April, Mick McComber has already assumed Vicki’s vacated Region V Vice President's position. The other new Board members will take over their posts in June during the New Board Meeting in Corvallis, Oregon.
Additionally, J. Michael Dunn from The Ohio State University stepped up to his 2007-2008 role as Past Presidents’ Representative. Stan Campbell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was chosen by the Past Presidents as the Past Presidents’ Representative-elect on March 19, 2007 and will take office next year.
A new Student Leadership Team was also elected at the Student Business Meeting in Minneapolis. Led by Diane Sylofski (above), the National Student Representative who serves on the NIRSA Board of Directors, the 2007-2008 Regional Student Representatives are:
National Student Representative
Diane Sylofski
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Region I Student Representative
Anne MacDonald
Rowan University
Region II Student Representative
Jennifer Minton
University of Tennessee
Region III Student Representative
Sarah Shouvlin
Central Michigan University
Region IV Student Representative
Reid Frye
Stephen F. Austin University
Region V Student Representative
Erik Jaeke
Drake University
Region VI Student Representative
Kelli Whall
San Diego State University