It's all about the students — step up and stand for office!
Nomination materials for Regional Student Representatives due February 1
NIRSA is looking for leadership, passion and dedication. Here is your chance to make a difference.
The Regional Student Representatives are integral to the success of NIRSA, and, with the National Student Representative, make up the Student Leadership Team. The Student Leadership Team provides a critical communication link among the student membership, the Board of Directors, and the NIRSA National Center staff. They have been responsible for great strides in our service to Student Members.
Serving on the Student Leadership Team is a meaningful commitment to your peers, your Association, and yourself. While helping shape the future of NIRSA, members of the Student Leadership Team gain an opportunity to develop leadership skills, strengthen communication skills, and expand networks.
Annual Conference registration fees are waived for members of the Student Leadership Team. Additionally, all members of the Student Leadership Team will be expected to attend a retreat and training session at the NIRSA National Center in late June 2008, with travel, accommodations, and meals provided by NIRSA.
To be considered for Regional Student Representative office, submit your materials online by Friday, February 1. (The deadline for National Student Representative is December 1.) Please contact Nominations & Elections Chair Vicki Highstreet with any questions.