NIRSA Members appointed to Healthy Campus 2020
Eric Stein and Jacqueline Hamilton will join others to improve the health of the campus community
Eric Stein
Jacqueline Hamilton
The NIRSA Board of Directors voted unanimously to accept an invitation from the American College Health Association (ACHA) to join the Working Group for Healthy Campus 2020. NIRSA President Tom Kirch has appointed Eric Stein, Stanford University, and Jacqueline Hamilton, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, to represent NIRSA on the Working Group. "These appointments are very consistent with the NIRSA Health & Wellness initiative and Knowledge Community conversations. Eric and Jacqueline will be outstanding NIRSA representatives and will bring an important recreational sports perspective to Healthy Campus 2020," Tom said.
Since 1985, the ACHA, through its Task Force/Committee on National Health Objectives in Higher Education, has actively participated in and promoted the Healthy People initiative. To complement this national health promotion and disease prevention effort, the ACHA has previously published two companion volumes, Healthy Campus 2000 and Healthy Campus 2010. These publications were developed to assist higher education institutions to apply the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention to the campus setting and thereby improve the health of the campus community. The ACHA has recently reorganized the Task Force into a Coalition on National Health Objectives in Higher Education for 2010/2020 and charged the group to expand the resources that contribute to campus health concerns and to develop a broad-based approach to achieving institutional and individual health objectives.
Eric and Jacqueline will join representatives from other campus-based departments and services such as Residence Life, Counseling, Food Services, Disability, Student Government and others on the Working Group for Healthy Campus 2020. Together they will work to define the concepts of a healthy campus and a healthy student body, and determine specific, measurable health goals and objectives for students and institutions.