Investing in yourself
Plan to donate to the NIRSA Foundation during the 2008 Annual Conference
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”—Winston Churchill
Each year, the NIRSA Foundation Annual Membership Giving Campaign strives to raise over $20,000 through individual contributions. The size of your gift does not matter, but the impact of your gift and your opportunity to see the impact makes a difference. The NIRSA Foundation succeeds because of YOU and others like you!
The NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors is proud to be participating in the $1 Million Milestone Campaign and the fourth year of the Be a Star Annual Giving Campaign. Since its inception in 1992, the NIRSA Foundation has raised over $900,000 for the future of recreational sports. The goal of the $1 Million Milestone Campaign is to bring the total amount of money raised beyond $1 million by December 2010. With your participation this year, we can reach our goal even sooner.
The NIRSA Foundation is working to develop resources necessary to assure a quality future for recreational sports. More than hope and good intentions, it will take a partnership with our members and corporate partners to assure that future generations have quality recreational opportunities. Every gift made to the NIRSA Foundation brings us closer to the ultimate goal. You can help the NIRSA Foundation reach its goal – our goal—in many ways, but there will be a special opportunity to effectively double your contribution at the 2008 NIRSA Annual Conference & Recreational Sports Exposition. The United States Tennis Association, for the third consecutive year, will match the total of all contributions given at this year’s Annual Conference, up to $15,000!
Today, the future begins. Your tax deductible gift will support educational and scholarly opportunities that benefit our profession. All gifts are cumulative and as you continue to give, you move up in the Foundation Levels of Giving. Contributions will be recognized in the NIRSA Recreational Sports Directory and on the NIRSA Foundation website at the following Levels of Giving:
- Leadership Level: $10,000+
- President Level: $5,000
- Executive Level: $2,500
- Platinum Level: $1,000
- Gold Level: $500
- Silver Level: $250
- Bronze Level: $100
- Participant Level: $25
If you would like to know your current cumulative donation amount and giving level, you may contact Monica Nelson, NIRSA Foundation Coordinator.
Not able to attend the 2008 NIRSA Annual Conference in Austin, Texas, but want to contribute to this year’s annual giving campaign? You may still make a gift to the NIRSA Foundation online.
The NIRSA Foundation is about the development of future opportunities. It’s about education. It’s about tomorrow. It’s about you, the NIRSA Member.